Frank Durham - Self Defense Instructor

Self-Defense Instructor. Former United States Marine Corp.

I was born and raised in Chapel Hill, NC. After serving with the Marine Corp in Vietnam, I worked for Baretta USA as a Shotgun Instructor, running their Learn to Shoot classes at their facility in Greenbelt, MD. I’ve practiced in the Martial Arts for 32 years and have attained a 5th-Degree Black Belt in Self-Defense. I’m a Senior Instructor in the Martial Arts Disciplines of Leong and Chinese Praying Mantis. It’s important for people to know, “I didn’t train in Martial Arts for 32 years to be able to impose my will upon others. I did so, as to not allow others to impose their will upon me.”

Today, I reside in Bradenton, FL where I‘m an avid golfer 3-4 days a week, and am also a member of the Men’s Professional Billiards Tour.

Register now for Basic Self-Defense Class for Women & Girls 16 and Older